viernes, 17 de febrero de 2023

What’s the best way to apologize?

“Over the years, people have come up with some truly awful apologies. From classic non-apologies to evasive excuses, and flimsy corporate promises, it’s all too easy to give a bad apology. Good apologies generally share certain elements, and considering these factors can help you make amends in a variety of situations…”

Apologies can be uncomfortable and they can take work, but a good apology—an authentic apology—requires listening, taking responsibility, and attempting to fix the situation. From TED-Ed:

“…it’s important to remember that a good apology isn’t about making you feel better. It’s about seeking to understand the perspective of the wronged party and repair the damage to your relationship.”

a starting point for communication
This TED-Ed about how to say “I’m sorry” was directed by Vitalii Nebelskyi with and-action, in collaboration with Character Lab, a nonprofit organization that gathers research-based guides and actionable advice for parents and teachers.

components of a good apology

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